It’s Been A While….

It has been a while since I have paid attention to this site. The changes in my life and in the world (as we all know) distracted me a bit. In the interim I experienced some lows (a broken neck and resulting surgeries) and some highs (moving into my little haunted dream home and wooded property in Indiana) yet my connection to spirit(s) has remained constant.

I promise that will be working on this site to improve it and to start including the content that I have been working on. I have greater insight on earlier hauntings that I experienced as a child and have been working as a consultant on a few long term hauntings.

I am still doing private sessions and parties. For sessions/readings I can be reached ay 312.869.2410 or by emailing me at

It’s Spooky Season Folks! Do you feel the veil thinning? I do! Boooooo!

~RoseWolf 9/30/2022

How it all began

I’m often asked how I came to this life, how I knew that I had a connection with the dead.  I honestly don’t remember when I didn’t have that connection.  My first memory was when I was almost two years old.

I was sitting at the back of the funeral home while my mother and her sisters were preparing it for my Grandpa Wood’s funeral.   I remember admiring my pretty new oxblood red Buster Brown shoes.  They were my first big girl shoes and I was happy to have them although I had no idea that they were bought for such a sad event.  My reverie over my beautiful shoes was interrupted by the smell of cherry pipe tobacco.

Grandpa smelled like that! I looked up to see my grandpa sitting next to me.  He raised his fingers to his lips and made a soft shhh sound. I looked at him again because he looked pink.  My grandfather’s skin tone had always been gray when I was around him and he rarely smiled because he was in a lot of pain. He was a plater at the American Nickeloid in the early part of the century before there was any OSHA and developed rheumatoid arthritis from the heavy metal poisoning. But my grandpa was sitting next to me all pink and smiling.  It made me smile back at him.

A loud noise from the front of the room caused us to break our gaze.  My Aunt Dorothy was screaming at the funeral home director because the VFW sent over the wrong sized flag for the casket.  I looked up at my grandpa and saw that he was chuckling.  He said, “Dorothy was always a little excitable.” And he laughed.  I laughed even though I didn’t understand what excitable meant and turned my head to watch the funeral director scurry off with the flag.  After a few minutes I looked up and grandpa was gone.

I jumped down from the chair and went to my mother who was ironing table cloths in the next room.  I told her that I saw grandpa. She nodded her head at me and kept working.  I told her again, that I saw grandpa and he told me that Aunt Dorothy was excitable.  My mother dropped the iron and looked at me with a shocked, white face.  She grabbed me by the arm and proceeded to spank me while shouting that I shouldn’t lie about things like that.  Lie? I was a week away from my second birthday.  I don’t know that I could formulate a lie like that much less use the word excitable in proper context.  My aunts came in and took me away from my mother because they were afraid that she would hurt me but the damage was already done.

After that I was afraid to tell anyone about what I saw and heard.  I knew the people I was talking to were not real, not flesh and blood real.  I knew that if I wanted to fit in and survive I would have to keep these things to myself.  At some point I convinced myself that they weren’t real and learned to ignore the energies that tried to contact me.

Little did I know the price I would pay for ignoring the gifts I was given…… (to be continued)

Conscious Community Magazine, January 2016

I had the pleasure to read Theresa Puskar from the Conscious Community Magazine for her ALL ABOUT TOWN column. Theresa was at Crystal River Gifts in South Elgin, IL for the Intuitive Gala.

“My first appointment was with RoseWolf (Shamanic counselor, healer, reader, and teacher). While I have known RoseWolf for several years, this was my first opportunity to receive a reading from her. Upon meeting her, one of the first things I noted was her energy. She is an extremely powerful woman, and fully embodies the warrior archetype of the divine feminine. Both priestess and healer, showing strength and benevolence, RoseWolf clearly walks the talk.”                                                                                                  

             ~Theresa Puskar, Conscious Community Magazine January 2016

Read the complete article here.



La Petite Mort: Orgasmic French Cuisine and Art


I will be appearing at the event: La Petite More: Orgasmic French Cuisine and Art on August 16, 2015.

“On top” of fabulous, “deeply probing,” art and delectable nipples (Oops, nibbles! ;)) from some of Chicago’s sultriest 4-star chefs, my friend Rose Wolf will be conducting La Petite Mort “Spread”/Tarot Teaser Reads. Her whole deck provides a euphoric perspective of sex and death…so it’s PERFECT for this event!

Look how clever she is! The 6 card spread illustrates our featured deaths – Lovers=United in Death, Hanged man=Hanged to Death, Devil=Burned to Death, Judgment=Freeze to Death, Fool=Drown to Death

She’ll also be donating an hour-long private reading to our silent auction table! (Normally a very pricey venture.) Come make her squeal/take advantage of this deal!”

Event Description

“La Petite Mort: Orgasmic French Cuisine and Art Pairing”

A fundraiser for the O+ (Art, Music and Wellness) Festival
August 16, 2015
5:30-7:30pm – Private, ticketed event
8:00-9:30pm – Public viewing and reception
Throop Studio
1500 N. Throop St., Chicago

The Event:
“La Petite Mort” is French for “The Little Death,” an idiom for orgasm. Curator Kimberly A. Darovec and her partner, Chef Marco Bahena, explore death and sensuality through art, levity, passion and great food from some of Chicago’s most talented chefs. Since the O+ Festival’s mission involves embracing and sustaining life, why not delve deeply into the opposite realm? After all, death is the only certainty in life. Five themes are served up as catalyst for creative inspiration of a culinary and visual nature. 5 artists. 5 chefs. 5 ways to die. (Translated into French first…because even death sounds more delicious in French!)

Ways to Die:
1. (Unis Dans La Mort) United in Death
2. (Mort par Pendaison) Hanged to Death
3. (Mourir Carbonisé) Burn to Death
4. (Mourir de Froid) Freeze to Death
5. (Mourir de Noyade) Drown to Death

Indulge in the Chefs and Their Featured Deaths:
1. Marco Bahena of The Everest: United in Death
2. Lorraine Nguyen of Sepia: Hanged to Death
3. Jennifer Kim of C Chicago: Burn to Death
4. Kyleen Ramos of The Everest: Freeze to Death
5. Bob Broskey of L20/Intro: Drown to Death

Honor the Fallen Artists:
1. Mary Porterfield: Unis Dans La Mort;
2. Kimberly A. Darovec: Mort par Pendaison;
3. Cheryl Casden: Mourir Carbonisé;
4. Misha Esterkin: Mourir de Froid; find him on FB or Instagram: Mysticmishtek
5. Nando: Mourir de Noyade

The Cause:
“La Petite Mort” is a fundraising event. Proceeds from the evening support the O+ Festival’s expansion in Chicago and throughout the nation. O+ is committed to fostering complete physical, mental, and social well-being by connecting artists directly with a coalition of health care providers and resources, in a shared vision to nurture the individual and the community. We “barter the art of medicine for the medicine of art.” To learn more, click here: Join us on 18th Street in Pilsen for the O+ Festival’s inaugural run! 2.5 weeks after “La Petite Mort.” See you all there!

How to Gorge Yourself to Death:
Cost of the private event is $65 + $3 service charge. (Pay here: Never fear, George Berlin is a legitimate partner. O+’s $$ is safe with him!) Cost at the door is $75. ($3 service charge will apply if you use a credit card.) For your donation, you will be delighted by all 5 courses and beverage pairings created by local mixologists from Emporium Arcade Bar. Our menu is shifting and expanding daily. More concrete course and pairing details to follow. Stay tuned! The public viewing is a $5 suggested donation. Lagunitas and other local breweries will provide beer. All art is for sale and will be on display for both portions of the evening. (You REALLY want to attend the paid event though! We’re cookin’ up some brilliant ideas! We can’t wait to share our vision with you, and support the O+ Festival while mingling with the creative community of Chicago.)



I’m adjusting my sails at this moment and will be back soon to start discussions, raise eyebrows and hopefully a little consciousness. Blessings to you all.

An auspicious way to begin the day

After a rough week I looked forward to my weekend at Crystal River Gifts.  I got up on time, got everything together, ran an errand before I got on the road (CRG is over an hour away from my home.)  And wouldn’t you know it – I get behind a pokey driver, one that is looking at everything on both sides of the road, weaving slightly back and forth as the driver and passenger point here and there.  I look at the GPS, think that I want to get to the store as early as possible, and I start to pass the car and a little voice tells me, “Don’t. Just stay here.”  So I follow for another minute and try to pass again. Same voice, “DON’T!”  At that moment the car behind me pulls into the oncoming lane.  A SUV pulls out of a driveway at a high speed, hits the car that just pulled out behind me, and the car flips.  Cars on both sides stop to help and I was stuck waiting for the police to come and begin directing traffic. I pulled into the store 15 minutes later than anticipated but in one piece.  Another friend had a similar experience earlier in the week.

So what is the lesson here? Don’t trust your GPS because you don’t know what may happen? Yes, that could be one of the lessons learned.  But more for me it was to LISTEN to that voice that is often pushed down. It isn’t always that immediate gratification (if you can call it that) but in retrospect that little voice has always been truthful.  And when I haven’t listened I have paid the price.

I’d like to hear from others about times when they did or didn’t listen to their inner voice. Chime in below.

About this blog

Second Sight Rose features conversation on metaphysical, paranormal and spiritual topics, products, and methods.   It is not my intention nor is it my responsibility to make readers believe as I do but to allow open and respectful discussion on these topics.  If you are here, I will assume that there is something that has found you and you are looking for a few answers of your own.

Exploration of things unknown must balance healthy doses of belief and skepticism and ‘spirited’ discussions are welcomed here.  Additionally there may be subjects and opinions posted that are not within your belief system. Please respect other posters and ultimately yourself.

Trolls may or may not be mythical creatures but if you feel one taking over your keyboard, please note that there are no bridges or goats here.  Back quietly away from your computer and take a break.  And if you notice a troll has taken over someone’s keyboard, don’t feed it.   Hopefully the brute will leave and go elsewhere to be fed.

Take what works for you and leave the rest behind. 

To make it clear…

Abusive postings will be deleted.

Abusive posters will have posting privileges blocked and/or will be blocked from the page.

If you do not believe in any of the subjects discussed, please review your intentions for visiting this page.  I would rather not have you as a reader if the content upsets your gentle sensibilities.

The bottom line…

This is my blog and it’s chock full of my personal opinions and all the things that interest me.  If you don’t like them or my approach to the subjects, Google will recommend thousands of other pages for you to peruse.  Otherwise, sit back, enjoy and chime if you would like. There’s nothing better than a spirited discussion.